The SIAMESE project team
- Johannes Suitner Urban Development Policy, Urban Transformations, Imaginaries & Vienna’s Planning History | Project Manager
- Astrid Krisch Infrastructure studies, Urban Development and Planning Policy, Social-Ecological Transformation Research & Discursive Institutionalism | Project Assistant & Manager
- Anna Aigner Participation, Experimental and emancipatory planning approaches & Self-organisation | Project Assistant

Project lead
Research Unit of Urban and Regional Studies| SRF
Institute of Spatial Planning | TU Wien
Karlsgasse 11 | 4rd floor
A-1040 Vienna
DI Dr. Johannes Suitner
Project partners
ZSI – Centre for Social Innovation
- Wolfgang Haider Social Innovation & Policy Experimentation | Teamleader
- Stefan Philipp Research Policy & Development | Project Assistant
Steering Board
SIAMESE adopts an action-oriented, co-creative approach in which scientific findings on experimental practices are critically reflected upon and validated by a panel of experts – the Steering Board – throughout the duration of the project, with members of the expert panel contributing to the research project and transformative governance. The SB will advise the project consortium at various points during the project by providing input, recommendations and feedback on key project issues. The SB members have been selected to represent a broad range of national and international expertise in research, policy and practice related to climate change, societal transitions, transformative governance and adaptation and mitigation.
Members of the Steering Board
- Daniela Allmeier | Klima.Konkret
- Robert Luger | Klima.Konkret
- Michael Szeiler | Klima.Konkret
- Simon Tschannet | Klima.Konkret
- Barbara Hammerl | Stadtlabor Graz
- Sebastian Helgenberger | Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS), Potsdam
- Florian Kern | Institut für Ökologische Wirtschaftsforschung, Berlin
- Johannes Naimer-Stach | EIT Climate-KIC Austria
- Gesa Pflitsch | Mohn Centre for Innovation and Regional Development | Western Norway University of Applied Science
- Iris Wanzenböck | Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University
- Heidelinde Grüneis | Bundesamt für Agrarwissenschaft und Bergbauernfragen
- Martin Hoffmann | Lectures for Future
- Lara Leik | Scientists for Future